Strengthening Civic Engagement for Enhancing Democratic Local Governance in Türkiye (Civic Engagement Project), whose main beneficiary is the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye (TBB), and whose co-beneficiary is the Ministry of Interior Directorate General for Relations with Civil Society (STİGM) and is financed by the European Union, and it is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Directorate for EU Affairs, as the leading institution of the IPA-II Civil Society Sector, carries out studies for the effective implementation and monitoring of the project.
The project aims to increase the participation of non-governmental organizations in decision-making mechanisms, strengthen Civil Society-Public cooperation based on trust and mutual understanding, and contribute to creating a favorable and sustainable environment for volunteering. In this context, within the scope of the Project; In 7 pilot provinces; Civic Engagement Task Forces (SKGG) consisting of CSO representatives will be established to contribute to the preparation, implementation and monitoring of civic engagement strategies and action plans in (Çanakkale, Elazığ, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Manisa, Mersin and Trabzon).
CSOs who want to take part in the ” Civic Engagement Task Force ” must fill out the application form by August 7, 2023: