In 2003, the Department of Associations was established under the Ministry of Interior to carry out the works and procedures related to the associations and with the legislative amendments, it was stipulated that a unit for the associations should be established within the body of governorships in the provinces and of the district governorships in the districts. Thanks to this new organization, the works, and procedures of the associations, previously carried out by the General Directorate of Security and Provincial Directorates of Security, were transferred to the Department of Associations.
As a result of the important developments in the field of civil society in our country, Law No. 2908 on the Associations was repealed in 2004 and the Law No. 5253 on the Associations, which included more liberal regulation on issues such as establishing associations, membership, freedom in association activities, reducing the sanctions and bureaucracy applied to the associations, was enacted, thus leading to important steps being taken in the field of freedom of association.
Depending on these steps taken towards civilianization, great changes were experienced in the field of civil society in the liberated environment and significant increases were observed in the number of associations and their incomes. In this way, there was a significant increase in the number of associations, which are already indispensable elements of democratic societies.
In order to create an organizational structure suitable for both quantitative and qualitative development, which emerged as a result of these reforms in the field of civil society, the Department of Associations, which completed its mission, was closed with the Presidential Decree No. 17 published in the Official Gazette dated 13.09.2018 and the Directorate General for Relations with Civil Society was established instead. The Directorate General for Relations with Civil Society continues to carry out management, supervision, and guidance functions for civil society organizations in Türkiye to increase the institutional capacity of civil society organizations and to create a CSO structure that is efficient, effective, and participatory in decision-making processes, it continues to support the CSOs in administrative and financial terms.
Duties and powers of the Directorate General for Relations with Civil Society are as follows:
a) To keep the records of associations and their branches, parent organizations of associations and foundations, branches, and representation offices of foreign associations, foundations, and non-profit organizations in Türkiye and to carry out their works and procedures,
b) To keep the records of the organizations established in accordance with the provisions of Law No.3335 on the Establishment of International Organizations, dated 26/3/1987 and to carry out their works and procedures,
c) To carry out the works and procedures related to the aid collection legislation,
ç) To carry out the duties assigned to the Ministry of Interior by the legislation regarding the works and procedures within the scope of Article 35 of the Law No. 5253 on the Associations dated 4/11/2004, as well as the foundations, unions, political parties, parent organizations of the foundations and unions and to carry out the works and procedures related to these organizations,
d) To carry out the works and procedures related to the platforms within the scope of Law No. 5253,
e) To provide guidance and consultancy services to the organizations within its field of duty, to provide administrative, financial, and technical support, to carry out joint projects with them and to cooperate on training and similar issues,
f) To audit the associations and their branches, the parent organizations of the associations and foundations, the establishments formed as per Law No. 3335, the branches and representation offices of foreign associations, foundations, and non-profit organizations in Türkiye and all kinds of permits and activities granted in accordance with Article 5 of the Law No. 5253,
g) To keep the records of associations and similar organizations established abroad by Turkish citizens, to monitor and evaluate their organizations and activities through the relevant authorities at home and abroad and to ensure that necessary actions are taken regarding these associations,
ğ) To take necessary actions regarding the illegal activities of the executives or members of the organizations specified in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph, by working in cooperation with the relevant organizations,
h) To carry out research and development studies on the subjects falling within its field of duty, to determine medium and long-term strategies, in cooperation with civil society organizations, relevant institutions, universities and other research institutions.